Emergency Action Planning
Injuries Requiring Emergency Medical Treatment
Call 911 and follow instructions. The 911 operator will assist you until medical responders arrive. Provide them with your name, phone number, and location. Do not hang up unless the 911 operator requests that you do so.
After treatment, depending on whether you are an employee or a student, the following is required:
- CAPS’ Safety Coordinator must immediately contact AmerySis at 800-455-2079 with employee present, if possible. AmerySys will complete a “First Report of Injury” and initiate medical treatment.
- The employee, along with the CAPS’ Safety Coordinator, must complete and submit an “Accident Investigation Report” to EH&S within 48 hours.
- Contact CAPS’ Safety Coordinator.
- The student, along with the supervisor or department representative, must complete and submit an “Incident Report” to EH&S within 48 hours.
Injuries Requiring Non-Emergency Medical Treatment
If you sustain an injury requiring non-urgent medical treatment, you must immediately notify your supervisor and/or CAPS’ Safety Coordinator.
Depending on whether you are an employee or student, the following is required:
- Supervisor and/or CAPS’ Safely Coordinator must immediately contact AmerySis at 800-455-2079 with employee present, if possible. AmerySys will complete a “First Report of Injury” and initiate medical treatment.
- The employee, along with the supervisor and/or CAPS’ Safety Coordinator, must complete and submit an EHS 11-2 Accident Investigation Report to EH&S within 48 hours.
- Seek medical care at Thagard Student Health Center or personal physicion (student must use his/her health insurance).
- The student, along with the supervisor or department representative, must complete and submit an “Incident Report” to EH&S within 48 hours.
Injuries Requiring No Medical Treatment
If you sustain an injury requiring no medical treatment, immediately notify your supervisor and/or CAPS’ Safety Coordinator. Do not contact AmerySis.
Depending on whether you are an employee or student, the following is required:
- The employee, along with the supervisor and/or CAPS’ Safety Coordinator must complete and submit a First Report of Injury or Illness and an EHS 11-2 Accident Investigation Report to EH&S within 48 hours.
- The student, along with the supervisor or department representative, must complete and submit an “Incident Report” to EH&S within 48 hours.
Safety is Priority #1 at CAPS
CAPS General Safety Training is NOT a substitute for training required for access of labs remote from CAPS.
Verify that your safety credentials are adequate for work in other labs (i.e FAMU/FSU main campuses, MagLab, College of Engineering).
CAPS General Safety Training is offered three times per year for your convenience.
- If you sit through two of the three sessions in a single calendar year, you should never have any problems with continued access.
Please attend the safety training when you are available to do so, and it is being offered to avoid potential future conflicts.
- Or be prepared to take it online prior to the expiration of your access.
CAPS' Online Safety Training is available
- 24 hours/day
- 7 days/week
- 365 days/year (366 on leap years : ))
The minimum required score to pass the online CAPS General Safety Exam is 80%.
All students and long term visitors who will be working in a CAPS' laboratory take the CAPS online safety exam prior to requesting access to CAPS' labs.
Short-term (less than 1 day) visitors may be escorted into the labs
- Escort is responsible for visitor safety
PI's and Lab supervisors are responsible for:
- developing lab-specific safety policies
- ensuring that appropriate PPE is available to all CAPS' personnel under their supervision
- education CAPS' personnel under their supervision about the specific hazards associated with their research
Eating and drinking in CAPS labs is prohibited
- Break rooms are available for eating and drinking
- Exceptions must be approved by FSU EH&S
Emergency Contacts
- 911
- Campus Police - (850) 644-1234
- CAPS Safety Coordinator (Michael Coleman) - (850) 644-5197
- CAPS Facilities Coordinator (John Hauer) - (850) 644-7957
- Your PI/Lab Supervisor
Safety Do's
- Ask questions
- Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Inform Safety Coordinator of any unsafe working conditions
- Report accidents immediately
Safety Don'ts
- Don't wear open-toed shoes
- Don't work alone in CAPS labs
- Don't bring food into CAPS labs
- Don't do anything that you are not sure that you can do without hurting yourself or someone else
Emergency Action Planning